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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
7, 9b: Intérieur de la maison (ou de la tente) du vieux père de Gulshāh, assis sur un trône; devant lui Warqah debout; à l'extérieur de la porte, le portier et deux hommes avec un cheval; fond sans couleur; miniature très endommagée.
7, 9b: Inside the house (or tent) of Gulshāh's old father, seated on a throne; in front of him stands Warqah; outside the door, the doorman and two men with a horse; background without colour, miniature badly damaged.

f.7/9b. Warqa talks to Gulshah's father.
Next: Varqa and his father leave the Banu Shayba
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