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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
FIG. 14.-27, 26b: L'entrée de Warqah dans le campement d'ennemi pour sauver Gulshāh; au milieu une tente, à côté une porte, à droite Warqah, à gauche un cheval; fond sans couleur.
FIG. 14.-27, 26b: The entrance of Warqah into the enemy encampment to save Gulshāh; in the middle a tent, next to a door, to the right Warqah, to the left a horse; background without colour.

The entrance of Varqa into the enemy encampment to save Gulshah
Next: Ghalib seated on a throne, Gulshah if before him, Varqa is outside
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