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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
FIG. 17.-32, 31a: Entretien de la mère de Gulshāh avec son mari assis sur un trône; à droite une table à trois pieds sur laquelle il y a des fruits, et une porte; fond bleu, nuage de grechinois.
FIG. 17.-32, 31a: Interview of the mother of Gulshāh with her husband sitting on a throne; right one three-legged table on which there are fruits, and a door; coloured blue, chinese type cloud.

Interview of Gulshah's mother with her husband
Image source: Heritage of the Great Seljuks
Next: Farewell visit of Varqa to Gulshah, before his departure for Yemen; within a tent.
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