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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.

FIG. 30.-49, 46a: Intérieur d'une tente où on se prépare à cacher un mouton égorgé à la place du corps de Gulshāh; à droite Hilāl, père de Gulshāh et à gauche sa mère en deuil; tous deux en deuil; fond bleu, avec des figures; inscription: "Ils cachent le mouton."
FIG. 30.-49, 46a: Inside a tent where they are preparing to hide a slaughtered sheep in place of the body of Gulshāh; to the right is Hilāl, Gulshāh's father and on the left her mother in mourning; both in mourning; background blue, with figures; inscription: "They hide the sheep."

They hide the sheep

Next: The fainting of Warqah learning of the alleged death of Gulshah
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