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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
59, 56a: évanouissement de Warqah et de Gulshāh se voyant de loin; une porte de ville; à droite Warqah tombé évanoui de son cheval, à gauche Gulshāh évanouie; fond sans couleur; inscription que je n'ai pas pu lire.
59, 56a: Fainting of Warqah and of Gulshāh seeing themselves from afar; a city gate; to the right Warqah fell unconscious from his horse, on the left Gulshāh fainted; background without colour; inscription that I have not been able to read.

Fainting of Varqa and of Gulshah seeing themselves from afar
Next: The King of Sham between Varqa and Gulshāh; inside a tent.
Back to the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, page 6