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Folio 73v from
Daqāʾiq al-Ḥaqāʾiq
Kitāb-i Mūʾnis al-ʿAvārif
Seljuk Anatolia, 1272-1273AD, Bibliothèque nationale de France MS Persan 174

Muslim Angel
Title: Collection of works in prose and in verse, probably all due to Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥ bin Ibrāhīm bin ʿAbd-ullāh al-Rammāl al-Muʿazzim al-Sāʿatī al-Haykalī (cf. f. 32, 51, 79v and 80), whom the taẖalluṣ (signature of the poet) is (f. 129v, etc.) Naṣīrī or Naṣīr. He lived at the court of the Seljukid Ġīyās̱ al-Dīn Kay H̱usraw III (who reigned from 663H./1264-5AD) in Aqsarā (Aksaray) and Qayṣariya (Kayseri) (cf. f. 51 and 153).
Date of edition : 1272-1273AD
Type : manuscript
Language : Persian
Format : Anonymous copy and not dated, which seems to be contemporaneous with the composition of the works (exemplar of dedication?). Nasẖī script from Asia Minor, ...
Content : Daqāʾiq al-Ḥaqāʾiq; Kitāb-i Mūʾnis al-ʿAvārif
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France MS Persan 174
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