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Automaton in Saljuq Costume, by al-Jazari, 1206AD

The painting depicts a hand-washing automaton which pours water from a ewer, and then offers a mirror, comb and towel. (25.5 x 18cm).
Istanbul, Topkapi Palace Library A.3472: Automate (1206AD), fol.121v.
Plate 113, Painting the Stars by Moya Carey.
See also:
Automaton Lancer in Saljuq Costume, by al-Jazari, 1206AD. Topkapi Palace Library MS Ahmet III 2111.
Kitab fi marifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya by al-Jazari. Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, Syria or Egypt, 1315
Kitab fi marifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya by al-Jazari. Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, Egypt, 1354
Wash-basin in the form of a peacock, after al-Jazari
Overview on al-Jazari and his Mechanical Devices By Prof. Yavuz Unat
Seljuk Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers