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Tile with horsemen, 13th Century, Kashan, Iran.
Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale, Rome, Italy.

Iran, Kashan, mattonella a rilioevo con cavalieri che giocano a polo, 1290 ca.
Iran, Kashan, tile in relief with horsemen playing polo, c.1290AD
Photo by sailko
Referenced on p60, Osprey Warrior Series 10 Saracen Faris 1050-1250 AD by David Nicolle and Christa Hook.
Two members of the Saljuq Turkish cavalry elite. One carries a shield, the other a spear. Shown on a 13th century glazed tile from Iran.
The rider on the right appears to be wearing a double-pointed dushakh hat (Mus. of Oriental Art, Inv. 1056, Rome, Italy).
Referenced on p24, God's Warriors, Knights Templar, Saracens and the Battle for Jerusalem by Helen Nicholson & David Nicolle:
Two warriors on a mid 13th-century tile from Kashan in Persia.
The man in front carries a small round shield, the man behind is wielding a spear with both hands.
Referenced as figure 405 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
405. Ceramic tile, 13th century AD, Iranian, Museum of Oriental Art inv. 1056, Rome.
Back to the smaller image of this Saljuq Tile with horsemen playing polo, c.1290AD, Kashan, Iran, 13th Century. Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale, Rome, Italy.
Other 13th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
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