An extract from Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 1
by Ian Heath
Among Sir Thomas Dagworth’s indenture for service in Brittany in 1346 are included 40 ‘bidowers’ or ‘bayouneys’; these were undoubtedly bidets,
‘bidower’ also appearing in the sources as ‘bidaut’.
These sources indicate that they were light-armed Gascon infantry (‘bayouney’ undoubtedly deriving from Bayonne) equipped with spear and buckler,
paid at the same rate as English foot-archers (3d per day), their vintenars receiving 6d and their commanders 1s.
There were bidowers in the Anglo-Gascon army at Poitiers in 1356.
Guiart (c. 1305) records Navarrese and other Spanish ‘bidaux’ as being armed with 2 darts, a lance and a coutel at the waist,
remarking that ‘of other arms they have none.’
The figure depicted here is from a Flemish tapestry of c. 1385 thought to depict a bidaut.
[Based on Julius Caesar and Attendants from the Nine Heroes Tapestries]
Next: 24. WELSH FOOT-SOLDIER, 14th CENTURY in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 1 by Ian Heath