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Byzantine Steatite Icon of St. George, 11th-12th Centuries.
Bargello Museum, Florence, Italy.

208. Св. Георгий
Стеатитовая иконка
Византия. XI—XII вв.
Национальный музей
Source: p.144, Darkevich, Svetskoe iskusstvo Vizantii: X-XIII veka, (Moscow 1975). [990MB]
Secular Art of Byzantium: X-XIII centuries.
208 St. George
Steatite icon
Byzantium. XI-XII centuries.
National Museum
Referenced as figure 89 in Arms and armour of the crusading era, 1050-1350 by Nicolle, David. 1988 edition
89 Carved (ivory?) icon of St. George, Byzantine, 11—12 Cents.
(Bargello Museum, Florence, Italy)
In most respects similar to Fig. 88, the mounted Saint wears a small lamellar cuirass with pendant lamellar skirt and upper arm protections which were to become an almost inescapable convention in later Byzantine representations of military saints and other Biblical warriors.
Here, however, it may still reflect some degree of reality.
See also an Icon of Warrior Saints George, Theodore and Demetrius, Byzantine, Late 11th - early 12th century. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, I-183
Saint Demetrius or Saint George, Byzantine Steatite Icon, 11th or 12th Century
Other Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers