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Carved Ivory Plaque with Musicians, Fatimid Egypt, 11th Century.
Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, 80c 3.

Plaque, ivory. Fatimid Egypt, 11th century. H: 17.3; W: 7.7 cm; thickness c. 0.5 (outer frame), c. 0.2-0.3 cm (inner frame). Many gold traces on the turban of the lute player, on the strings of the lute, on palmettes, and on the frame. - Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, inv. no. 8oc 3
Source: Fig. 132, Contadini, Anna (2005) 'Fatimid Ivories Within a Mediterranean Culture.' The Ivories of Muslim Spain, The Journal of the David Collection, ed. by K. von Folsach and J. Mayer, 2 (2). pp. 226-247.
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