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Fatimid Carved Ivory Panel with Hunters, 11th-12th Centuries

A larger image of this Fatimid Carved Ivory Panel with Hunters, 11th-12th Centuries, Louvre.
From Egypt. Openwork ivory with incised decoration and traces of paint.
Hunting scene with falcon and cheetah (on the horse’s croup).
Louvre Museum, Paris, Department of Islamic Art, Richelieu, room 3
Inv. no.: OA 6265/1
Previous: Fatimid Manuscript with Two Soldiers, 11th-12th Centuries
Next: Carved Ivory Plaque with Drummer and Drinker, Fatimid Egypt, 11th-12th Century. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, 80c 1.
Fatimid Illustrations of Soldiers and Hunters, 10th - 12th Centuries