Fatimid Soldiers and Hunters, 10th - 12th Centuries

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An Arab Cavalryman in a 10th Century Papyrus Drawing, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Fatimid-Zirid Plate with a Battle Scene, Museum of Islamic Art, Raqqada, Tunisia
Fatimid Ivory Plaque of Two Soldiers & Ruler on a Throne, Egypt. Louvre OA 6701, Paris.
Fatimid Ceramic Fragment from the Sabra Palace, 10-11th century, Benaki Museum, Athens, 11762
Fatimid Horseman from Ifriqiyah on a Plate from Sabra, 10th to 12th Centuries, Bardo Museum, Tunis
Fatimid Rider and Four Warriors on Coptic Textile, 11th Century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Bowl with mounted falconer, Fatimid Egypt, 10th-11th centuries, Abegg-Stiftung, Bern, 3.101.68.
Fatimid Carved Panel with Soldier, 11th Century, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Fatimid Ceramic Wall-Plaque with Warriors from the Sabra Palace, 11th century, Bardo Museum, Tunis
Fatimid Ceramic Wall-Plaque of Archer from the Sabra Palace, 11th century, Bardo Museum, Tunis
Fragment of a Fatimid Bowl Depicting a Mounted Warrior, 11th century, Brooklyn Museum
Fatimid Wood Carving of Hunters, 11th Century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Fatimid Rectangular piece of wood with swordsmen, 11th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Fatimid wooden plank with carved lion hunt from the Mausoleum of Sultan Qalawin, 11th century, Islamic Museum, Cairo
Fatimid wooden plank with hunter and revellers. Islamic Museum, Cairo.
Fatimid wooden plank with mounted hunter with lance from the Mausoleum of Sultan Qalawin, 11th century, Islamic Museum, Cairo
Fatimid wooden plank with camel and caravan guard, 11th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Fatimid Carved Wood Panel, 11th Century, Louvre, Paris, OA 4062
Carved Wooden Frieze with Hunter, Fatimid Egypt, 11th Century. Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin, I 26/61.
Fragmentary dish showing men with sticks, Fatimid Egypt, 11th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Hunter on an ivory drinking horn probably made in Muslim Sicily or Southern Italy, 11th century, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Shields on the Bab al-Nasr (Gate of Victory), 1087, Cairo
Frieze of Hunters over the door of the Church of San Bernadetto, Brindisi, late 11th Century
Fatimid Painted Paper with Cavalryman, 10th - 12th Centuries, 11th-12th century, Keir Collection
Fatimid Turban on Manuscript Fragment from Fustat, Museum of Islamic, 11th-12th Centuries
Morgan Casket, Southern Italy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 11th-12th century
Four ivory panels with hunters and revellers, 11th-12th century, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
A turbaned warrior on a carved ivory horn or 'Oliphant' of St. Hubert, Amalfi?, Italy, late 11th-early 12th century. Musée Crozatier, Le Puy, France.
A carved ivory horn or 'oliphant', South Italian, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Ivory casket with Lion Hunt, Fatimid Sicily or Southern Italy, 11th-12th Centuries, Pergamon Museum, Berlin
Fatimid Manuscript with Two Soldiers, 11th-12th Centuries, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Fatimid Carved Ivory Panel with Hunters, 11th-12th Centuries, Louvre, Paris, Inv. no.: OA 6265/1
Carved Ivory Plaque of Lion Hunt, Fatimid Egypt or Iraq, 11th-12th Century, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Firenze, 80c 2.
Carved Ivory Plaque with Hunters, Fatimid Egypt, 11th Century. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, 80c 4.
Fatimid Bowl Fragments with Soldier and Elephant, Fustat, Egypt, 11th-12th Century. Brooklyn Museum, 69.122.1.
Fatimid Infantryman on a Plate, 12th Century, De Unger Collection, London
Fatimid Warrior on Plate Fragment, 12th Century, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Islamic Sicilian Ivory Casket with Horsemen, 12th Century, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Firenze
A Fatimid Nobleman or Officer on a lustre-ware plate, 12th Century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Fatimid plate with mounted hunter, 12th century, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington
Sicilian ivory pyxis, 12th century, Louvre Museum, Paris
Fatimid Manuscript Fragment, Fustat, 12th Century, British Museum, London
Fatimid bowl with a hunter on horse, Islamic Ceramics Museum, Cairo
Illustrations from a Coptic Gospel, Damietta, Egypt, 1179-80, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cote Copte 13
Fatimid Paper with Drawing of a Falconer on Horseback, Fustat, Egypt. Keir Collection I. 31B.
Islamic Paper with Drawing of a Lion Hunt, 12th Century. Keir Collection I. 13.
Manuscript with 'Jazrafil who rides an Elephant' from Fustat, c. 1200 AD, British Museum, London

Sudanese Infantry

A Sudanese spearman in the painted windows in the monastery church of St Denis in Paris
A Sudanese spearman, from Armies and Enemies of the Crusades 1096-1291 by Ian Heath
Negroid warriors with mace in the capitals of Monreale Cathedral near Palermo in Sicily, 1174 to 1182 AD

See also:
The Pila, an Ablution Basin, early to mid 11th century, Spain
Fatimids on Plate G, Men-At-Arms Series 125, The Armies of Islam 7th-11th Centuries by David Nicolle & Angus McBride - based on many of the above.
Daylamī by David Nicolle
A summary of the written sources on Dailami soldiers
A Daylami Tribesman, in Armies of the Dark Ages 600-1066 by Ian Heath
A painting of a Daylami Infantryman, early 11th century, by Angus McBride
Camel Rider from the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily
A Fatimid Infantryman and a Fatimid Cavalryman, from Armies and Enemies of the Crusades 1096-1291 by Ian Heath
Army, Regime, And Society In Fatimid Egypt by Yaacov Lev
Hamblin, W J, "The Fatimid Army During The Early Crusades"

Fatimid Musicians, Dancers, Revellers, Labourers and Coptic Priest, 10th - 12th Centuries
Fatimid Illustrations all on one page

Egyptian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other 11th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other 12th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

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