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Fatimid Carved Wood Panel, 11th Century. Musée du Louvre, inv. no. OA 4062.

Fragmentary plaque, wood, carved on two levels. Fatimid Egypt, 11th century. - Musée du Louvre, inv. no. OA 4062.
Source: Fig. 145, Contadini, Anna (2005) 'Fatimid Ivories Within a Mediterranean Culture.' The Ivories of Muslim Spain, The Journal of the David Collection, ed. by K. von Folsach and J. Mayer, 2 (2). pp. 226-247.
Egypt, 11th c. CE, found in Western Palace of Fatimids in Cairo in 1874. Carved cyprus wood. Full size: 67 x 18.1 c 4.6 cm.
Inv. no.: OA 4062.
Louvre, Paris, France.
Source: Silkroad
Referenced as figure 155 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
155. Wooden panels, 11th-12th canturies AD, Fāṭimid, Louvre, Paris (Elg).
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