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Fatimid Carved Wood Panel, 11th Century.
Musée du Louvre, inv. no. OA 4062.

A larger image of this Fatimid Carved Wood Panel, 11th Century. Musée du Louvre, inv. no. OA 4062.
Panel detail.
Egypt, 11th c. CE, found in W. palace of Fatimids in Cairo in 1874. Carved cyprus wood. Full size: 67 x 18.1 c 4.6 cm.
Inv. no.: OA 4062.
Louvre, Paris, France.
Source: Silkroad
Referenced as figure 155 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
155. Wooden panels, 11th-12th canturies AD, Fāṭimid, Louvre, Paris (Elg).
Musée du Louvre, inv. no. OA 4062.
Previous: Fatimid wooden plank with two musicians, 11th century, Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo
Next: Carved Wooden Frieze with Hunter, Fatimid Egypt, 11th Century. Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin, I 26/61.
Fatimid Illustrations of Soldiers and Hunters, 10th - 12th Centuries
Fatimid Illustrations of Musicians, Dancers, Revellers & Labourers