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An illustration from:
Mamuka Tsurtsumia, The Evolution of Splint Armour in Georgia and Byzantium, Lamellar and Scale in the 10th-12th Centuries
Saint from Timotesubani, Georgia

Fig. 4. Saint from Timotesubani clad in the traditional lamellar cuirass. (photo by S. Sarjveladze).
In this picture [fig. 4] the saint is clad in a traditional lamellar cuirass.
The lamellar rows consist of laced plates, without riveting, overlapping from right to left;
the lamellar rows are linked with numerous suspending thongs and overlap from below upwards.
Such was the typical lamellar, in which changes took place almost simultaneously in the Byzantine Empire and the Georgian kingdoms.
Source: Byzantina Symmeikta
Previous: Fig1. The Warrior Saint in Timotesubani, Georgia Next: Fig. 5. St George of Chukuli, Georgia
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