Illustration from

Scylitzes Chronicle

f116v.   Emperor Alexander deposes Patriarch Euthymios

A larger image of Emperor Alexander deposes Patriarch Euthymios

Bibliteca Nacional de Madrid, Vitr. 26-2, Bild-Nr. 77

Referenced as figure 609 in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
609A to 609I. Manuscript, A - "Infantry weapons," B - "Byzantines besiege Mopsuastia," C - "Byzantines besiege Proslav," D - "Arabs attack Edessa," E - "Arabs defeat Procopius," F - "Arabs sack Salonika," G - "Emir defeated by Bardes," H - "Arabs," I - "Saracens," Skylitzes, 12th-13th centuries AD, Siculo-Byzantine, Bib. Nac., Cod. 5-3. N. 2, ff. 151v, 166r, 208, 99v, 111v, 136v, 116v, 39v, 41r and 54v, Madrid (Grab, Sev).

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