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Illustration from
Maqamat of al-Hariri
Bibliothèque nationale de France, manuscript Arabe 3929, 2nd quarter of 13th century
Folio 68 Verso: maqama 31: Abu Zayd al-Harith and kissing

Abû Zayd et al-hârith s'embrassant
25a-b. Two illuminations from a 13th-Century Maqāmāt manuscript.
The first shows Abū Zayd in an unusual short-sleeved jacket;
the second a youth in a long-sleeved one (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, ms arabe 3929, folios 104 and 68 verso).
Source: Fig. 25, Arab Dress. From the dawn of Islam to Modern times by Smirna Si
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