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The Saint George Legend
Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church
portrayed as a Hungarian Knight
Photo by Pas-6
Hronský Beňadik (before 1960: Svätý Beňadik, German: Sankt Benedikt, Hungarian: Garamszentbenedek) is a village in central Slovakia
1423 körül a templom északi felén elkészültek a freskók a Szent György legendáról.
Around the latter half of 1423 the church completed the frescoes on the legend of St. George.
Other works from Garamszentbenedek Church:
Crucifixion, by Master Thomas De Coloswar (Kolozsvári Tamás), Hungary, 1427
Christ Carrying the Cross, by Master Thomas De Coloswar (Kolozsvári Tamás), Hungary, 1427
Sleeping Guards at the Sepulchre, Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church, 1470s, portrayed as Hungarian Heavy Infantry
Other 15th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other illustrations of Hungarian Costume & Soldiers