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The Battle of Zonchio (Navarino), 1499,
woodcut coloured using stencils

A larger image of The Battle of Zonchio (Navarino) between Ottoman Turks and Venetians, 1499
Produced in Italy, around AD 1499. Source: British Museum 1932,0709.1. New link
The battle shown here was fought in August 1499 off Zonchio, north of Navarino (Peloponnese).
The combatants were a Turkish vessel commanded by Kemal Ali (shown standing on the deck of his ship), and two Venetian vessels commanded by Antonio Loredan and Albano d'Armer.
The Turks were victorious; Loredan was killed when his ship was burnt, and Armer was taken as a prisoner to Istanbul, where he was sawn into pieces on the order of Bajazet II.
This is possibly the first print of an actual naval battle.
It shows 6 composite bows and 3 handguns amongst the Venetian seamen, but only 2 crossbows.
Ottoman infantry from Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath, based on The Naval Battle of Zonchio (Navarino)
An Ottoman Handgunner in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath, based on The Naval Battle of Zonchio (Navarino)
Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries (Janizary, Yeniceri)
Venetian Foot Soldiers in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath
Illustrations of Ottoman Costume & Soldiers
Italian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers