Marching out of a Hungarian bandery
from the St Elisabeth altar, Koice, Slovakia
Marching out of a bandery from the St Elisabeth altar.
From: Csukovits Enikő: Liliom és holló. Új Képes Történelem.
Magyar Könyvklub- Helikon, Budapest, 1997, p 53
Kassa, St Elisabeth church
Source: Hungarian National Archive

Source: Dóm sv Albety

Picture source: Mery Ratio
Saint Elisabeth Cathedral (Slovak: Dóm svätej Albety (Hungarian: Szent Erzsébet-székesegyház, German: Dom der Heiligen Elisbeth) is a Gothic cathedral in Koice, Slovakia.
This panel is the 2nd of 12 on the Main Alter of Saint Elisabeth Cathedral
See also Sleeping Guards at the Sepulchre, Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church, 1470s, portrayed as Hungarian Heavy Infantry
15th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other illustrations of Hungarian Costume & Soldiers