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Menologion of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1000AD, Vaticano Griego 1613
Detail from page 316 - Slaying of the Holy Fathers on Sinai.

The full image of the Slaying of the Holy Fathers on Sinai, Menologion of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1000AD. p.316, Vaticano Griego 1613
Title: Menologium Basilii II
Date: late 10th century
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Referenced on p.18, Byzantine Imperial Guardsmen 925-1025: The Tįghmata and Imperial Guard by Timothy Dawson
The Slaying of the Holy Fathers on Sinai. This detail from a miniature of the turn of the 10th/11th centuries shows images of Imperial infantrymen, probably copied from the Constantinople garrison regiments. The headwear is the typical turban or phakeolion, those of alternate figures here being coloured violet-red and dark green. The military tunics are (from left to right) green, red, and white stripes; light blue with gold circlets; and dark red chequered with silver circlets, opening on the right and white-lined. All the embroidery round the cuffs is in gold thread. The trousers are (from left to right) scarlet embroidered in light yellow; violet-red with green-yellow lines and white dots; and green with gold embroidery. The low boots are white and silver. Note also the command sash of the officer in the foreground, probably the pektorarin or loros of the sources. The swords are in silver; the scabbards are black with white fittings, and dark red with yellow fittings. The small cheiroskoutaria shields are in red with a silver rim, and light blue with white dots and gold rim. (Menologion of Basil II, folio 316, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome)
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