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Menologion of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1000AD, Vaticano Griego 1613
Detail from page 333 - Martyrdom of St Euphrasia.

The full image of the Martyrdom of St Euphrasia, Menologion of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1000AD. p.333, Vaticano Griego 1613
Title: Menologium Basilii II
Date: late 10th century
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Referenced on p.9, Byzantine Imperial Guardsmen 925-1025: The Tághmata and Imperial Guard by Timothy Dawson
The Martyrdom of St Euphrasia – detail from an image of c. AD 1000. The man’s light red garment, bearing a rhomboidal pattern in brown, is a clear example of ‘soft armour’ – the padded nevrikon. Centred in each rhomboid is a light blue dot (rivet?), silvered in the middle. The sleeves are of the removable sort, here attached with buttons at the shoulders; the cuffs are embroidered in black and gold. The sash is green, the cloak light yellow with a light blue border. The light blue trousers are chequered and embroidered with yellow flowers, and are tucked into boots which are shown as gold. The scabbard is black with yellow fittings, and the baldric is black. (Menologion of Basil II, folio 333 detail, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome)
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