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Pyxis Showing Scenes from the Martyrdom and Sanctuary of St Menas
Byzantine, 6th century. British Museum, 1879,1220.1

Object type: pyxis
Museum number: 1879,1220.1
Description: Pyxis; ivory; oval, cut from the solid, with provision for a hinge and lock; sides carved in relief with scenes representing the martyrdom and sanctuary of St Menas; on one side a Roman official is seated as a judge upon a stool, his feet on a footstool; one hand raised, in the other a staff; behind him an armed guard, and beyond a basket; before him a table with inkpot, behind which a man holds a diptych; behind is a veiled doorway; before the table St Menas, with hands bound behind his back, has fallen on one knee; an executioner grasps him by the hair while brandishing a sword; behind him an angel flies; on the other side, St Menas stands beneath an arch, hands raised in the attitude of an orans, and with nimbus; on each side of the sanctuary is the head of a recumbent camel; from each direction approach two worshippers.
Culture/period: Early Byzantine
Date: 6th century
Production place: Made in: Alexandria (?), Egypt
Findspot: Found/Acquired: San Paolo fuori le Mura, church (?), Lazio, Italy
Materials: elephant ivory
Technique: relief, cut, carved
Dimensions: Height: 79 millimetres, Length: 122 millimetres (max), Weight: 209.32 grammes, Width: 113 millimetres
Acquisition notes: Letter from Credito Italiano dated 28.11.80. states this item was discovered in a chapel in Rome dedicated to St Menas located in the church of St Pauls-without-the-Walls.
Next: Back of a Pyxis Showing Scenes from the Martyrdom and Sanctuary of St Menas, Byzantine, 6th century. British Museum, 1879,1220.1
Back to the Pyxis Showing Scenes from the Martyrdom and Sanctuary of St Menas, Byzantine, 6th century. British Museum, 1879,1220.1