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A Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqué

A Graeco-Scythian gold horseman appliqué
Circa 4th Century B.C.
Finely modelled in repoussé with chased details, in the form of an archer mounted on horseback, his bow and arrow drawn ready to fire and pointing downwards,
depicted mid canter, reigning his horse back whilst it is champing at the bit, its ears and forelock flat back, its forelegs raised, the archer with long hair,
a full neatly cropped beard and wearing a belted shirt and pantaloons, typical Scythian attire, with circle and cross patterns, his boots tied around his ankles,
pierced in places for attachment, 1¾in. (4.5cm.), one hoof missing, one bent
- Provenance:
Acquired in 1968 from a Miss Gray of Gordon Mansions, Torrington Place, W1.
Accompanied by a handwritten letter dated May 1968 from 'Gray' to the current owner, giving reference to this piece and suggesting he "....come to Cecil Court to see.
It belonged to the S.C. Collection".
- Literature:
For a similar Graeco-Scythian appliqué but of a figure with a lance and decorated robes,
noted to have come from the Crimea in the 4th Century B.C., and now in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg,
cf. L'or des Amazonen, peuple nomades entre Asie et Europe, VIe siècle av.J.C - IVe siècle apr.J-C, Musée Cernuschi (Paris 16 March - 15 July 2001), p.53.
Source: Bonhams, Sale 11597, Lot 245
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