![Album 1867, [Front cover]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239139&t=w) Album 1867, [Front cover]
| !["To his Imperial Highness the felicitous sovereign and crown prince, the great prince Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. He gives with the deepest veneration, Grigoriy Sharopenko.", [Dedication page]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239140&t=w) "To his Imperial Highness the felicitous sovereign and crown prince, the great prince Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. He gives with the deepest veneration, Grigoriy Sharopenko.", [Dedication page]
| ![Le Grand Seigneur (i.e., the sultan) Mahmoud II. [1]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239141&t=w) Le Grand Seigneur (i.e., the sultan) Mahmoud II. [1]
![Grand vezir. [2]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239142&t=w) Grand vezir. [2]
| ![Grand moufti. [3]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239143&t=w) Grand moufti. [3]
| ![Capitan pacha [kaptan pasha], ou grand-amiral de l'empire. [4]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239144&t=w) Capitan pacha [kaptan pasha], ou grand-amiral de l'empire. [4]
| ![Kehaya-bey [kâhya bey], ou ministre de l'intérieur. [5]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239145&t=w) Kehaya-bey [kâhya bey], ou ministre de l'intérieur. [5]
![Reis effendi, ou ministre des affaires étrangères. [6]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239146&t=w) Reis effendi, ou ministre des affaires étrangères. [6]
| ![Kyslar agassy [kizlar agasi], ou chef des eunuques noirs. [7]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239147&t=w) Kyslar agassy [kizlar agasi], ou chef des eunuques noirs. [6]
| ![Defterdar effendi, ou grand-controleur de l'empire. [8]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239148&t=w) Defterdar effendi, ou grand-controleur de l'empire. [8]
| ![Capydjilar kehassy [kapijilar] ou grand chamberlan. [9]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239149&t=w) Capydjilar kehassy [kapijilar], ou grand chamberlan. [9]
![Czaouch bachy [chavush bashi], ou grand-maréchal de l'empire. [10]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239150&t=w) Czaouch bachy [chavush bashi], ou grand-maréchal de l'empire. [10]
| ![Tesrifatsy effendi [teshrifatchi efendi], ou grand-maître de cérémonie. [11]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239151&t=w) Tesrifatsy effendi [teshrifatchi efendi], ou grand-maître de cérémonie. [11]
| ![Sheik [sheyh], qui vient expressement d'Iconium [Konya] pour ceindre l'épée au G.S. à ses avénèments au trône. [12]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239152&t=w) Sheik [sheyh], qui vient expressement d'Iconium [Konya], pour ceindre l'épée au G.S. à ses avénèments au trône. [12]
| ![Tournadji-bachy [turnaji bashi], ou général de brigade. [13]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239153&t=w) Tournadji-bachy [turnaji bashi], ou général de brigade. [13]
![Bostandji-bachy [bostanji bashi], ou chef de la garde impériale. [14]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239154&t=w) Bostandji-bachy [bostanji bashi], ou chef de la garde impériale. [14]
| ![Hasseky-agassy [haseki agasi], ou lieutenant du bostanji bachi. [15]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239155&t=w) Hasseky-agassy [haseki agasi], ou lieutenant du bostanji bachi. [15]
| ![Tzantadji [chantaji], ou portefeuille du Grand Seigneur. [16]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239156&t=w) Tzantadji [chantaji], ou portefeuille du Grand Seigneur. [16]
|  Prince de Moldavie, en habit de cérémonie. [17]
![Interprète au divan imp. [18]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239158&t=w) Interprète au divan imp. [18]
| ![Sandjiak capitany [sanjak kaptani], ou capitaine de vaisseau turc de guerre. [19]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239159&t=w) Sandjiak capitany [sanjak kaptani], ou capitaine de vaisseau turc de guerre. [19]
| ![Bach-aga [bash-aga], ou chef de la garde de l'amirauté. [20]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239160&t=w) Bach-aga [bash-aga], ou chef de la garde de l'amirauté. [20]
| ![Couloumbatzi-bachy [tulumbaji bashi], ou chef des pompieries. [21]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239161&t=w) Couloumbatzi-bachy [tulumbaji bashi], ou chef des pompieries. [21]
![Surré emin. Inspecteur des caravanes au pélérines qui vont à la Mecque. [22]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239162&t=w) Surré emin., Inspecteur des caravanes au pélérines qui vont à la Mecque. [22]
| ![Stamboul-effendi [Istanbul efendi(si)], ou grand-juge de la capitale. [23]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239163&t=w) Stamboul-effendi [Istanbul efendi(si)], ou grand-juge de la capitale. [23]
| ![Caziasker [kazasker], ou grand-juge de la Romélie. [24]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239164&t=w) Caziasker [kazasker], ou grand-juge de la Romélie. [24]
| ![Toptzi-bachy [Topchi bashi], ou Généralissime de cannoniers. [25]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239165&t=w) Toptzi-bachy [Topchi bashi], ou Généralissime de cannoniers. [25]
![Caftan-agassy [kaftan agasi], ou valet de chambre du G. S. [26]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239166&t=w) Caftan-agassy [kaftan agasi], ou valet de chambre du G. S. [26]
| ![Cafedji-bachy [kahveji bashi], ou chef cafetier. [27]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239167&t=w) Cafedji-bachy [kahveji bashi], ou chef cafetier. [27]
| ![Itz-agassy [itz agasi], ou page du G. S. [28]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239168&t=w) Itz-agassy [itz agasi], ou page du G. S. [28]
| ![Czohadar-aga [chuhadar aga], ou chef des valets de chambre du G. S. [29]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239169&t=w) Czohadar-aga [chuhadar aga], ou chef des valets de chambre du G. S. [29]
![Chef du corps de garde particulier du grand vezir. [30]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239170&t=w) Chef du corps de garde particulier du grand vezir. [30]
| ![Imbrohor [imrahor], ou grand ecuyer. [31]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239171&t=w) Imbrohor [imrahor], ou grand ecuyer. [31]
| ![L'aga des jannissaires. [32]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239172&t=w) L'aga des jannissaires. [32]
| ![Tzorbadji [chorbaji], ou colonel des jannissaires. [33]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239173&t=w) Tzorbadji [chorbaji], ou colonel des jannissaires. [33]
![Oda Bachy [oda bashi], ou capitaine des jannissaires. [34]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239174&t=w) Oda Bachy [oda bashi], ou capitaine des jannissaires. [34].
| ![Oustà [usta], ou grand-cuisinier d'un régiment des jannissaires. [35]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239175&t=w) Oustà [usta], ou grand-cuisinier d'un régiment des jannissaires. [35].
| ![Sakà [saki], ou porteur d'eau d'une compagnie des jannissaires. [36]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239176&t=w) Sakà [saki], ou porteur d'eau d'une compagnie des jannissaires. [36]
| ![Yenitzery [yenicheri], ou jannissaire en costume ordinaire. [37]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239177&t=w) Yenitzery [yenicheri], ou jannissaire en costume ordinaire. [37]
![Bach-caracoulouctzi [bash-karakullukchu], ou chef des cuisiniers des jannissaires. Rather to be identified as a simple ashchi, or cook, carrying the giant ladle emblematic of his rank. [38]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239178&t=w) Bach-caracoulouctzi [bash-karakullukchu], ou chef des cuisiniers des jannissaires. Rather to be identified as a simple ashchi, or cook, carrying the giant ladle emblematic of his rank. [38]
| ![Caracoulouctzis [karakullukchus], ou cuisiniers porteurs de marmittes. [39]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239179&t=w) Caracoulouctzis [karakullukchus], ou cuisiniers porteurs de marmittes. [39]
| ![Jannissaire au service des ministres européens. [40]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239180&t=w) Jannissaire au service des ministres européens. [40]
| ![Jannissaire en grand costume. [41]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239181&t=w) Jannissaire en grand costume. [41]
![Bach-caracoulouctri [bash karakullukchu], ou chef cuisinier des jannissaires en grand costume. [42]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239182&t=w) Bach-caracoulouctri [bash karakullukchu], ou chef cuisinier des jannissaires en grand costume. [42]
| ![Jannissaire au service des missions européennes. [43]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239183&t=w) Jannissaire au service des missions européennes. [43]
| ![Bach yassaktry [bash yasakchi], qui tient le gouvernail (?) au bateau de l'aga des jannissaires. [44]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239184&t=w) Bach yassaktry [bash yasakchi], qui tient le gouvernail (?) au bateau de l'aga des jannissaires. [44]
| ![Bach-hassekys [bash haseki], ou officier-major de la garde imp. [45]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239185&t=w) Bach-hassekys [bash haseki], ou officier-major de la garde imp. [45]
![Peïk [peyk], ou garde qui entource le cheval du G. S. [46]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239186&t=w) Peïk [peyk], ou garde qui entource le cheval du G. S. [46]
| ![Bash satir, officier qui marche devant le G. S. [47]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239187&t=w) Bash satir officier qui marche devant le G. S. [47]
| ![Silihtar aga, ou porte-épée du Grand Seigneur. [48]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239188&t=w) Silihtar aga, ou porte-épée du Grand Seigneur. [48]
| ![Cariktzi bassy [sarikchi-bashi], ou porte-turban du G. S. [49]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239189&t=w) Cariktzi bassy [sarikchi-bashi], ou porte-turban du G. S. [49]
![Allay tzaoussou [alay chavushu], ou inspecteur aux parades. [50]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239190&t=w) Allay tzaoussou [alay chavushu], ou inspecteur aux parades. [50]
| ![Dilsis [dilsiz], ou sourd-muet de Grand Seigneur. [51]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239191&t=w) Dilsis [dilsiz], ou sourd-muet de Grand Seigneur. [51] The "tongueless" (dilsiz) waited on the Sultan in council and were used for confidential commissions.
| ![Solak, ou garde qui entoure le cheval de G. S. [52]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239192&t=w) Solak, ou garde qui entoure le cheval de G. S. [52]
| ![Musicien du sérail. Man playing a qamânchay. [53]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239193&t=w) Musicien du sérail. Man playing a qamânchay. [53]
![Cheh mevlevy [sheyh mevlevy] ou supérieur d'un ordre de derviches. [54]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239194&t=w) Cheh mevlevy [sheyh mevlevy], ou supérieur d'un ordre de derviches. [54]
| ![Derviche-tourneur. [55]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239195&t=w) Derviche-tourneur. [55]
| ![Pélérin turk allant à la Mecque. [56]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239196&t=w) Pélérin turk allant à la Mecque. [56]
| ![Coumbaradji [humbaraji], ou officier des bombardiers. [57]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239197&t=w) Coumbaradji [humbaraji], ou officier des bombardiers. [57]
![Laoumtzi [lagimji], ou officier des mineurs. [58]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239198&t=w) Laoumtzi [lagimji], ou officier des mineurs. [58]
| ![Tzaouch [chavush], ou huissier du capitan pacha. [59]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239199&t=w) Tzaouch [chavush], ou huissier du capitan pacha. [59]
| ![Bimbachy [binbashi], ou chef de 1000 cannoniers. [60]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239200&t=w) Bimbachy [binbashi], ou chef de 1000 cannoniers. [60]
| ![Djiebedji [cebeji], ou officier des munitionnaires. [61]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239201&t=w) Djiebedji [cebeji], ou officier des munitionnaires. [61]
![Cafetzy [kahveji], ou vendeur de café dans les rues. [62]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239202&t=w) Cafetzy [kahveji], ou vendeur de café dans les rues. [62]
| ![Costume Asiatique. [63]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239203&t=w) Costume Asiatique. [63]
| ![Soldat des cantons de barbaries. [64]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239204&t=w) Soldat des cantons de barbaries. [64]
| ![Cherbetzi [sherbetchi], ou vendeur de sorbet. [65]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239205&t=w) Cherbetzi [sherbetchi], ou vendeur de sorbet. [65]
![Grec [a Greek]. [66]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239206&t=w) Grec [a Greek]. [66]
| ![Albanais [an Albanian]. [67]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239207&t=w) Albanais [an Albanian]. [67]
| ![Costume de Candiottes [a Cretan]. [68]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239208&t=w) Costume de Candiottes [a Cretan]. [68]
| ![Costume des Jariottes [a man from the Isle of Jerba?]. [69]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239209&t=w) Costume des Jariottes [a man from the Isle of Jerba?]. [69]
![Bulgare qui garde les chevaux de G. S. qu'ils sont au verd. [70]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239210&t=w) Bulgare qui garde les chevaux de G. S. qu'ils sont au verd. [70]
| ![Arménien [An Armenian]. [71]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239211&t=w) Arménien [An Armenian]. [71]
| ![Baladin grec. [72]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239212&t=w) Baladin grec. [72]
| ![Première favorite du sultan. [73]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239213&t=w) Première favorite du sultan. [73]
![Sultane, soeur de Grand Turk. [74]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239214&t=w) Sultane, soeur de Grand Turk. [74]
| ![Dame turque en deshabillé. Wearing high platform bath shoes. [75]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239215&t=w) Dame turque en deshabillé. Wearing high platform bath shoes. [75]
| ![Musicienne du sérail. She holds a type of zither on a harness around her neck and hits the strings with two crooked sticks. [76]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239216&t=w) Musicienne du sérail. She holds a type of zither on a harness around her neck and hits the strings with two crooked sticks. [76]
| ![Musicienne du sérail. She holds wind pipes. [77]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239217&t=w) Musicienne du sérail. She holds wind pipes. [77]
![Dame turque. A veiled lady in street attire. [78]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239218&t=w) Dame turque. A veiled lady in street attire. [78]
| ![Dame turque. As in no. 78 [79]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239219&t=w) Dame turque. As in no. 78 [79]
| ![Dame de Pera. Woman in long white dress and shorter pale blue coat with gold trims, wearing pearls over one shoulder; shown in three-quarter back view. [80]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239220&t=w) Dame de Pera. Woman in long white dress and shorter pale blue coat with gold trims wearing pearls over one shoulder; shown in three-quarter back view. [80]
| ![Costume des femmes de Scio [Chios]. [81]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239221&t=w) Costume des femmes de Scio [Chios]. [81]
![Femme de l'Ile de Tine [Tinos]. [82]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239222&t=w) Femme de l'Ile de Tine [Tinos]. [82]
| ![Costume des femmes de Polycandre. [83]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239223&t=w) Costume des femmes de Polycandre. [83]
| ![Femme Greque de l'Asie. A peasant holding sheaves of wheat. [84]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239224&t=w) Femme Greque de l'Asie. A peasant holding sheaves of wheat. [84]
| ![Egyptienne. A veiled peasant woman, her head and shouders covered by a blue-plaid shawl. [85]](https://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=1239225&t=w) Egyptienne. A veiled peasant woman, her head and shouders covered by a blue-plaid shawl. [85]
The drawings depict Mahmud II, members of the Ottoman court and officers of the Imperial household, from the grand vizir to valet de chambre;
costumes of various vendors, merchants, army officers and religious persons; costumes of peasants from the Balkans and other areas of the Ottoman Empire.
Plate 40 depicts a Janizary in service to European ministers smoking a long pipe. Probably executed between 1808 (beginning of the reign of Mahmud II) and 1826 (disbanding of the Janizaries), in Istanbul.
Mahmud II, Sultan of the Turks, 1784-1839 (Patron)
Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 1845-1894 (Former owner)
Sharapenko, Grigorii (Inscriber)
Dates / Origin
Date Created: 1808 - 1826 (Approximate)
Place: Istanbul?
Library locations
George Arents Collection
Shelf locator: Arents 96-355
Content: Titles in French below paintings; shorter titles in Italian and Russian on verso.
Physical Description
Extent: 85 folios with paintings and dedication page. 28.7 x 20.5 cm (trimmed) Paper with laid lines.
NYPL catalog ID (B-number): b12578496
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 2e9d11f0-c6d5-012f-2ce6-58d385a7bc34
Source: Album of Turkish Costume Paintings - NYPL Digital Collections
{Although the NYPL dates this to a period before the disbanding of the Janissaries, paintings of Janissaries continued to be produced after this, e.g. by Arif Mehmet Pasa; Mecmu'a-i Tesavir-i Osmaniye, Istanbul, 1863 (published in French).
Some illustrations in Tsar Alexander III's album are versions of earlier mass produced illustrations of costume for tourists. e.g Heinrich Friedrich von Diez's Album Costumes Turcs, c.1790 and Joseph Gabriel Monnier's album Costumes Orientaux. Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle, but in a different style.
So it is possible that these paintings were made as late as 1867. The caption Mahmoud II seems to be in a different hand. Sultan Mahmud II is the Sultan depicted in Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople by Jean Brindesi, Paris, 1855. Mahmoud II appearing in the Tsar's album may not be an indicater that it was produced during Mahmoud II's reign.}
See a comparison of illustrations after Octavien d'Alvimart, in Miller's Costume of Turkey, 1802 with Ottoman produced albums.