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Illustration from Topkapi Sarayi Museum, MS. Hazine 1597-8
Selīm-nāma by Şūkrī-i Bitlisī
f.113a. Shah Ismail observes the Ottoman army before the Battle of Chaldiran, 1514

A larger image of Shah Ismail observes the Ottoman army before the Battle of Chaldiran, 'Selīm-nāma', TSM Hazine 1597-8, c.1521-24.
Source: Fig. 2 in The Depiction of Ceremonies in Ottoman Miniatures: Historical Record or a Matter of Protocol? by Zeynep Tarım Ertuğ
Shah Ismail getting information from a prisoner about the Ottoman army.
A detail of the right is referenced in ELI - 58 The Janissaries by David Nicolle and Christa Hook:
Ottoman troops at the battle of Çaldiran, 1514, in a manuscript of c.1525. Four infantrymen carry long-bladed and hooked staff weapons.
The two in front wear the red Janissary caps of the Silâhtar guard corps, which normally fought as cavalry; the others have the normal white cap of Janissary Cemaat units.
Two of these infantrymen also have richly embroidered tunics, perhaps indicating officer status. (Selimname, Ms. Haz. 1597-8, f.113a, Topkapi Lib., Istanbul)
Previous: f83b. Selim I fighting his brother Ahmed.
Next: f?. Shah Ismail has drinks distributed before Chaldiran.
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Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries