f62a. Funeral of Bayezid II. |
 f64b. Selim I being entertained. |
 f83b. Selim I fighting his brother Ahmed. |
 f113a. Shah Ismail observes the Ottoman army before the Battle of Chaldiran. |
Note that many Ottoman, Mamluk & Persian cavalry have no apparent armour, even though some appear to have armoured horses. Armour would be worn under robes.
Turkish epic poem on the heroic deeds of Sultan Selim ibn Bayazid (reigned 1512-1521), who overcame the Persians and conquered Egypt.
It was composed shortly after his death, by one of his retainers, the Kurdish Emir Shukri Bey Bitlisi, on commission from Selim's son Suleiman, whom the Europeans call the Magnificent.
Source: google arts and culture.
See also Selīm-nāma by Şūkrī-i Bitlisī, 1524. The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Ms. Yah. Ar. 1116.
Other Ottoman Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers