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Selected illustrations from
Volume Four
Histoire des Othomans. Mœurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire
par Antoine Laurent Castellan et Louis Mathieu Langlès, Paris, 1812
History of the Ottomans. Manners, customs, Ottoman costumes and abstract of their history

19 [Tome 4. Frontispice : histoire des Ottomans.] Mamlouks.
history of the Ottomans. Mamluks.

20 [Tome 4. p.3 : armée des Ottomans.] Grand Vizir à l'armée.
Ottoman army. Grand Vizier of the army.

21 : [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.6 : coutumes de la cour ottomane.] Domestique du Vizir, domestique de la suite du Vizir] Domestic of the Vezier, Domestic of the suite of the Vezier.

22 [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.18 : coutumes de la cour ottomane.] Spahi, Dely, Déterminé.
customs of the Ottoman court. Sipahi, Deli

23 : [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.107 : coutumes de la cour ottomane.] Ministre des Affaires étrangères, interprète.] Reis efendy, Translator.

24 : [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.119 : coutumes de la cour ottomane.] Premier Introducteur, Introducteur ordinaire.] Cavus basi, Cavus

25 [Tome 4. p.152 : armée des Ottomans.] Troisième officier des Janissaires, Janissaire en habit de cérémonie.
army of the Ottomans. Sekbân Bâshi - Third Officer of the Janissaries, Yegnytchéry - Janissary in ceremonial dress

26 : [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.162 : armée des Ottomans.] Cuisinier, cuisinier des Janissaires.] Cook, Janissary Cook

27 [Tome 4. p.164 : armée des Ottomans.] Marmite des Janissaires, Capitaine des Janissaires.
Ottoman army. Cooking pot of the Janissaries, Captain of the Janissaries

28 [Tome 4. p.172 : armée des Ottomans.] Officier inférieur des Janissaires dans son costume ordinnaire, Sergent major des Janissaires.
Ottoman army. Under Officer of the Janissaries in ordinary costume, Sergeant-major of the Janissaries.

29 [Tome 4. p.177 : armée de Ottomans.] Canonier du Nizâm Djedyd, soldat du Nizâm Djedyd.
Ottoman army. Gunner of the Nizam Djedyd, soldier of the Nizam Djedyd.

30 : [Tome 4. Pl. en reg. p.185 : armée des Ottomans.] Porte-faix, porteur d'eau.] Porter, water seller

31 [Tome 4. p.235 : armée des Ottomans. Etendards et drapeaux ottomans.]
army of the Ottomans. Ottoman banners and flags.

35 [Tome 4. p.256 : armée des Ottomans.] Marin Grec, Marin, Soldat de Marine.
army of the Ottomans. Greek sailor, Marine.
Sources: bleublancturc and gallica
Series of 6 volumes on the customs, habits and costumes of the people inhabiting the Ottoman Empire.
The work gives an elaborate account of the history, emperors, people, religion, arts and professions, richly illustrated with detailed hand-coloured full-page engravings.
The French publisher Nepveu, published a series of books with similar descriptions of different countries and regions of the world.
In total 25 regions and countires were described and published,
starting in 1811 with La Chine en miniature by Breton de la Martinière in 4 volumes and ending in 1823 with Buénos-Ayres et Le Paraguay by F. Denis in 2 vols.
In 1815 a German edition appeared in 3 volumes and an English edition was published in 1821 by
Shoberl as the division Turkey in his series
The world in miniature.
The French work was produced in 3 states: coloured, uncoloured and coloured on vellum.
The 6 volumes contain 72 engraved plates: a frontispiece to each of the 6 volumes and 17, 17, 9 and 26 plates to volumes 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
Some editions have an extra 2 plates in volume 3 and an extra plate in volume 4.
Many of these figures are copied, some reversed, from Illustrations after Octavien d'Alvimart, in Miller's Costume of Turkey, 1802, see Origins and derivatives of Octavien Dalvimart's collection of Turkish costume
Coloured illustrations from Volume 3. Histoire des Othomans. Mœurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire par Antoine Laurent Castellan et Louis Mathieu Langlès, Paris, 1812
Coloured illustrations from Volume 6. Histoire des Othomans. Mœurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire par Antoine Laurent Castellan et Louis Mathieu Langlès, Paris, 1812
Ottoman Costume & Soldiers from contemporary European Illustrations