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Cup with horseman
Khwarezm c.7th to beginning of the 8th Century
Cup with horseman.
7th-beginning 8th century, Khwarezm. Silver, gilding. H. 5.7 cm., Dia. 13.4 cm.
Found 1886, vill. Nizhne-Shakharovka, Perm province with several Sasanian dishes. Ex-Archaeological Commission; acq. 1891.
Published: Smirnov no. 46; Darkevich no. 17, pl. 25/1-2, pp. 15-16; Scythian 1969, no. 96.
Held by the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg. Source
fig. 35, p 49, Bilderatlas zur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Mittel-Asiens : vol.1 by Albert von Le Coq
Sasanian silver bowl (after Smirnoff). Rider with lappeled coat, hairstyle and quiver of the Riders of Kucha; the mane of the horse has hair ornaments (or braids) (see
fig 32,
33, 99 and 100.)
Sasanian Banquet Scene on a Post Sasanian Plate, 7th Century AD
Iranian Dish with a Horse-archer Hunting, c.8th Century
Drawing of, and notes on, a Sogdian Horse Archer by Ian Heath
Sogdian split tapestry (kilim) coat with animal motifs, Central Asia, 9th/10th Century
Dish, showing soldiers in winged helmets in combat, Post Sasanian Iran
Plates with figures from Persia and Central Asia
Tokharians and Uighurs of the Tarim Basin City States
Persian Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Ancient Illustrations & Articles