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Illustrations of Costume from the 1860 edition of:

The pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff in 1496 to 1499

4 Die Nobili in Venedig.
The nobles in Venice.

5 Der Doge.
The Doge.
Manuscript Image

6 Venezianische Frauen.
Venetian women.
Manuscript Image

8 Trachten der Griechen und Türken.
Costumes of the Greeks and Turks.
Manuscript Image

13 Der Sultan (Vizekönig) in Cairo.
The Sultan (Viceroy) in Cairo.
Manuscript Image

12 Die griechischen Einsiedler (Koluri).
The Greek hermit (Koluri).

15 Tracht der Christen, Heiden, Türken und Juden.
Costume of Christians, Pagans, and Jews.
Manuscript Image

17 Tracht der Mameluken.
Costume of the Mamelukes.
Manuscript Image

18 Kleidung und Lebensweise der Weiber in Cairo.
Clothing and lifestyle of women in Cairo.
Manuscript Image                          Manuscript Image

20 Das Kameel bei den Carawanenzügen.
The camel in the caravan train.
Manuscript Image

21 Tracht und Rüstung der Araber.
Costume and Arms of the Arabs.
Manuscript Image

23 Tracht der Syrier.
Costume of the Syrians.
Right figure based on Syrians in Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam (?)

25 Die Amazonen.
The Amazons.
Manuscript Image

27 Die Thomiten.
The church of St.Thomas.
Based on Abyssinians in Breydenbach's Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam (?)

30 Die Bewohner von Lack.
The residents of Lack.
Manuscript Image

31 Cenophali.
A name associated with dog-headed men or apes of Ethiopia.

36 Tracht und Rüstung der Mameluken.
Costume and Arms of the Mamelukes.

42 Tracht der Gascognier.
Costume of Gascons.
Manuscript Image

43 Frauenkleidung in Biscaien.
Women's Clothing in Biscayen.
Manuscript Image

44 Todesstrafen in Spanien.
Death penalties in Spain.

46 Trachten in der Bretagne.
Costumes in Brittany.
Manuscript Image

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Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

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