| Standard bearer
"Keisarens Vexillifer"
The Turkish title is Bayrakdar.
 | Soldier carrying the head of a slain enemy to the vizir
"De som bära hufvuden till viziren af dem som de i kriget
hafver ihiälslagit" |
 | Hunter
The hunters, Avcus, formed a special detachment within the army.
 | Guard
This soldier is dressed as a Janissary with a leopard skin. |
 | Janissary
 | Pasha at war
"Bassa in Guerra" |
 | The Bey of Rumelia
 | Armourer
The janissary detachment of armourers was used for the production of weapons and for transports but also for the discipline in the area around the Hagia Sophia. |
 | Khan of the Crimean Tatars
"Tatar Han"
 | Herald for Egypt
"Chiaus d'Agipte"
 | Footmen of the Grand Vizier
"Chaters 12 som gå för Viziren när han kommer uthi Divan"
"12 footmen who go before the Vizier when he goes to the Divan"
 | Janissary Captain
"Sorbetzi. Officiale de li Janizari"
 | Janissary herald
"Chiaus de li Janizari"
 | Infantry colonel
"Ihaia Bassa qui vont au pied devant le Janissar aga"

Yaya was an infantry force from Anatolia. |
 | Janissary Nr 1
"N: 1 / den förnämste Janissar som gå näst
Ianis[sar] Aga"
 | Janissary
 | Janissary from Egypt
"Ianissari d'Ag˙pte"
 | Janissary colonel
"Ianissars Chorbassij qvi vont ā cheval deuant Ianissar
aga" |
 | Musketeer
The Levend were irregular land and sea forces, sometimes more like
brigands. |
 | Trumpeter
in the Janissary music (mehtar) with a zurna
trumpet. |
 | Sultan's bodyguard
"Peick qvi vanno innanzi l'Imperatore"
Peyk and solak formed the Sultan's bodyguard. |
 | Sultan's bodyguard
"Peik gå för Keisaren" - 'goes before the Emperor' |
 | Herald for Rumelia
"Rumeli Chiaus"
 | Governor, Beylerbey, of Bosnia
"Rumeli Beglerbeg de Bosnia"
 | Palace guard
"Sarail Beckri qui font la garde"
Saray Bekçis |
 | Cavalryman
 | Cavalryman from Cairo
"Spahi di Cairo" |
 | Archer and bodyguard, Solak
"Solak effter Keisaren" 'after the Emperor'
Solak='left-handed' |
 | Archer and bodyguard
"Solacchi" |
 | State courier
"Tartar" |
 | Khan of the Crimean Tatars
"Tartare Han"
 | Artillery sergeant
 | Captain of the Palace Guard
"Viziri Teffeikzij"
Vezir-i Tüfekçi |