Ottoman Illustrations from:
Recueil de cent estampes representant differentes nations du Levant,
gravees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 & 1708 par l'ordre de M. de Ferriol, Ambassadeur du Roi a la Porte; et mis au jour en 1712 & 1713 par les soins de M. Le Hay.[Collection of one hundred prints representing different nations of the Levant, engraved on the paintings from life in 1707 & 1708 by order of M. de Ferriol, Ambassador of the King to the Porte; and brought to light in 1712 & 1713 by the care of M. Le Hay]
Paris, 1714
From Paintings by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (Van Mour), 1671-1737
Jean Baptiste Vanmour. Born in French Flanders in 1671, he came to Istanbul in 1699, at the age of eighteen, in the suite of the French ambassador, the Marquis de Ferriol. As far as is known, he did not leave the city until his death in 1737.