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Byzantine Ivory Casket, 11-12th Centuries
This ivory and bone casket is carved with panels depicting mounted and kneeling warriors, huntsmen, centaurs, sphinxes and Eve, parts of the borders are carved with rosettes and rinceaux. Other parts of the casket such as the bands containing an imperial bust and pairs of lovers are Italian work dating from the nineteenth century.
It is Byzantine (Constantiople), from the 11th or 12th century in a 19th century ensemble. Made in Istanbul, Turkey.
Victoria and Albert Museum. Museum number: A.8-1937
See also A Byzantine Ivory Casket, early 11th century, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England
The Hidden Church (Sakli Kilise) Cappadocia, Turkey, showing Byzantine armoured and unarmoured soldiers, by Steven Lowe
Skylitzes Chronicle, Byzantine Italy, 11th-12th Centuries
Other Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
11th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers